Microsoft 2023 Security Trends

1 min read
Feb 2, 2023 10:31:44 AM

Are you maximising identity security for your customers? Microsoft are constantly looking at ways that can increase identity security for their partners' customers.

Microsoft released their 2023 report on improving identity strategy recently which includes 5 ways you can increase your customers security. The report goes on to say:

“Each of these recommendations has value in and of itself, but taken together, they represent an approach to defense-in-depth. Defense-in-depth encourages us to assume that any single control might be overcome by an attacker, so we have multiple layers of defense.”

We have produced a free, trust-building infographic: "5 ways to improve your Microsoft security" for you to share/edit with your customers and emphasise the importance of your security services, also to save you some time!

Download Infographic